#1025 Do you Know Someone who Doesn’t say Hello First?

If you answered yes, the honest answer is; drum roll, please, it’s you! How can you possibly know whether someone will say hello first unless you’re waiting for them? And, by waiting, you become a person who doesn’t say hello first.

We create the weather.

Sunshine or storms happen within our approach to each day. I know pleasant paupers and miserable millionaires. I know happy, smiling people with medical problems that would KO most folks and chronic complainers with everyday maladies exacerbated by the myopic focus they give to the slightest pain.

The world is nothing but a big mirror reflecting back the face I bring each day. That face is a choice. It’s not only a choice as I face the day each morning; it’s a minute-by-minute choice.

The driver in front of me is driving too slowly. I can honk, ride his bumper, and gesticulate wildly or I can slow down until the time comes that he is no longer in front of me.

I can wait for my neighbor to wave and shout hello across the street, or I can wave and shout to her and then enjoy the (almost) guaranteed greeting she will give me in return.

“But where is your pride, Frank? Eff her! She’s a miserable person who doesn’t rate a hello. Why should YOU go out of YOUR way when she doesn’t care?”

Because I care.

Because I choose the way, I move through the world.

Because her reactions do not dictate my actions, not in the moment nor the future.

I choose the weather, and it’s always sunny in Frankadelphia.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1026 Who are You Speaking to?


#1024 Dissatisfaction and Complacency