#1020 Mindset is 100% of the game

#1020 Mindset is 100% of the game

 I think and talk a lot about mindset. There is a ton of positive psychology that teaches us not to self-flagellate. It says that the negative voice running us down is debilitating. More than being stung and losing confidence from these words, we lose focus.

You can't be in your head and in the moment.

My dad is an excellent golfer. Last week he was playing with his regular Thursday crew and left his pitching wedge on the side of the 12th green. He was on the 13th fairway when he discovered this. He couldn't just run back for it. He would have to wait at the clubhouse to see if someone behind him turned it in, and they likely would. Dad had a 43 on the front nine and was playing well on the back when he left his club. He then double boogied the 13th and 14th. His cousin and golf partner Anthony said, "Al, stop being so negative. The club will turn up. It's no big deal." But Dad could not let it go. He kept ruminating about the club and asking himself how he could have left it behind. Dad replayed the 12th green in his head, trying to remember how he'd misplaced the club. He took an eight on 15. They were backed up and had to wait to tee off on 16. While waiting, the foursome behind them caught up. They had Dad's pitching wedge. Dad was elated. He had his favorite club back. He proceeded to par 16 & 18, and he birdied 17.  

I'm not a golfer, and you may not be either, but what opportunities are you blowing while you ruminate about missing a detail, saying the wrong thing, forgetting an important date or item, or just generally running yourself down?

Sales, indeed, life is all mindset.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1021 The ANTI-Role Model


#1019 Body of Work