#1051 International Law



No, this is not about human rights or overfishing.  This is international law in that it is culture and language-agnostic.

A few weeks back, I wrote blog #1047 Great People Will Make You Feel Great Too

My cousin Enzo Somma who lives in Scafati Italy, responded with this comment; E’ anchora un altro detto qui in Italia. Esci con chi e’ migliore di e rimettici le spese.

In English: There is another saying here in Italy, “Go out with people who are your betters, then pay the bill.”

It sounds better in Italian, no? The concept of this great Italian saying is that you are getting far more than that bill costs you.  The intrinsic meaning of this saying is that you can’t pay enough for the value you get by spending time with great people.

I will bet that there are many other similar sayings in many other languages because, as I said, this is LAW!

As we approach 2023 and continue to increase our social interactions, make a commitment to obey this law.  Make a commitment to spend quality time with quality people; actively seek them out.  At the same time, weed out the small minds who enter your space with a miasma of niggling negativity.  They will damage you. Like rust, their petty complaints start as a small stain on your psyche but will eventually corrode your thinking.


Own Your Sales Gene…



#1052 Motto Time


#1050 When in Doubt