#1048 WARNING:

This post has nothing to do with Business - nor does it have anything to do with selling or communicating.  It’s just something that needs to be said.


We do not get an unlimited supply of precious moments. 

I just got back from my second fall hunting trip.  The first was in October.  These trips are taken with my best friends to do the things we love to do together.  I anchored each one.  When I arrived, I took a moment to realize where I was and who I was with.  I branded my consciousness with the beginning so I wouldn’t look back and wonder where the time went.  When each trip ended, I promised to increase the frequency of these visits.

The blog’s purpose today is to offer you this reminder; we do not get an unlimited supply of precious moments.  Be with the people who matter as often as you can and when you’re with them, be with them entirely. 

Be grateful in those moments and anchor them.

My friend Steve once made a toast at the end of a beautiful hunting weekend.  He stood in the posture of one who was well satisfied, looked me in the eye, raised his glass and said, “Frankie, how many more Octobers do we have?”   While the toast may have been rhetorical, the sentiment was not.  The answer Steve wanted to evoke, at least in our souls, was – “I don’t know, Steve, but they aren’t unlimited so let’s be sure to enjoy each one to the fullest.”


I hope you all had a lovely thanksgiving.  I am thankful for each of you who read this and appreciate the comments you offer


Own Your Sales Gene…


#1049 Dedicated to the very wise, Joe Sciame: Wisdom from Socrates, Swift and Cialdini


#1047 Great People Will Make You Feel Great Too