#1041 It's OK to Stink

Christine creates my presentations and graphics for my social media posts. She also manages the invoices, both billing, and collecting.

Why? Because I stink at that. Before Christine, I had posted grainy images, billed incorrect amounts, and called to collect bills that had already been paid. I’ve spent a lot of time ruminating about how stupid and embarrassing it was to call someone for money they’d already paid or to invoice an incorrect amount.

I used to send out check-in forms for my coaching groups and then struggled to compile the returned documents cohesively so that I could review them and create a sound agenda for each session. I sometimes mixed them up, grabbed a prior week’s form, or struggled to find all the documents I needed. I’ve even sent out incorrect Zoom links (i.e., 11 PM instead of 11 AM or missed an email in the invitation). As the mistakes were pointed out to me, I’d mentally leave the session to berate myself with that all too familiar track about how I NEVER get things right and how stupid I am for ALWAYS misplacing forms or screwing up details.

Then I hired Fareeha.

Fareeha has excellent attention to detail, and my coaching forms are coordinated for me on one summary page and delivered 24 hours before the meeting, which is, by the way, scheduled at the right time with all participants receiving the link in advance and a reminder of the day before the meeting.

I’m an excellent coach and have helped many people achieve better results. I’m a fine speaker and writer and have been well-received and sparked real change in some organizations and individuals, but I’m no Marie Kondo.

Recognizing one’s strengths isn’t easy when we seem to have been conditioned to dwell on our weaknesses. I haven’t given up creating systems to help me find things or to be more prepared, but I no longer hold myself comparable to the Christines and Fareehas of the world.

Instead, I enlist their help and free up time and head space to excel at what I do well.

I know we are told not to give up; that practice makes perfect, and it may be that if I spent a few hours a day working on systems and spreadsheets, I would become proficient. I’d also become broke and unhappy.

Getting the help, I needed even before I could reasonably afford it accelerated my ability to afford it, AND the increases in my bottom line and mental health are tangible and sustainable.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1042 I Despise this Crap!!!!!


#1040 Meeting POTUS