#1044 Happy Halloween...THIS IS VERY SCARY

The sad degradation of language and gentility is frightening.

It’s been pervasive in the mainstream media, and, like the Macarena, it caught on fast. It has spawned a large group of people who try to hide behind righteousness as an excuse for abusive language and behavior.

“I’m speaking my truth.” 

“I don’t sugarcoat things.”

“I’m just being real.” 

“The truth hurts.” “I am brutally honest.”

No, You’re rude; you lack tact, and you’re lazy. Speaking the truth is not a license to insult or demoralize. The truth does sometimes hurt. That’s even more reason to soften the message that brings it. You can be brutal, and you can be honest; they are not mutually exclusive. 

Sugarcoating a comment has a negative connotation, and while I’m not a fan of equivocating, I expect folks to take a moment to reframe a sentence in the way that it can best be received.

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen!” Vs. “I don’t think that is our best way to present this.”

“That’s completely wrong!” Vs. “I believe we can adjust this to make it more effective.”  

“What’s wrong with you? That will never work!” Vs. “I don’t think you’re seeing what I am. Let me show a different methodology I think we can look at.”

Brutally honest, non-sugarcoating truth-tellers are lazy. It takes but a moment, some forethought, and consideration for others to think about what you want to say and the best way to say it. Shouting orders is appropriate in combat, but it’s lazy in business. Some folks have a greased chute from head to mouth. You may be one of them but give this a little attention. This stopping point to reframe will define you as a human being.

It’s the difference between squeezing past people with a smile and multiple apologies or pushing your way through. Both will get you to the front of the line, but with one, you won’t have to worry about a knife in your back.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1045 The Early Bird


#1043 Imagination vs. WIllpower