#1005 It's Still January

You will create results for the next 334 days. Then you’ll stand, as the ball drops, and have one of two feelings. “I’m glad I did” or “I wish I would have.”

It’s only 31 January. We have 11 months of results to create. They can be well thought out and intentioned or haphazard and reactive.

None of us can predict the future. The best-laid plans of mice and men as it were…But, as I said last week about starting your day in email and doing other people’s bidding, we have a much better shot at desirable results if we define the results we want ahead of time.

OK, so the midnight commitment you made to exercise, eat right, earn more, work harder, be a better parent, lover, or friend has faded a bit from your reality. Here we are at a new starting point. February is a new month, a new beginning. If you haven’t set a few goals down on paper or blew off what you had, why not do that now?

Think for a minute about personal stuff like the aforementioned exercise goals or things like reading, learning, relationships, or hobbies. Think about some debt reduction or savings goals. Spend a minute to chart a course for your business life. Jot down some goals in each of these areas.

If you missed the midnight train on 31 December 2021, I have good news for you. You don’t have to wait until 31 December 2022. There is another goal train approaching the station right now. Jump on and create INTENTIONAL results for the next 334 days.

I’m here to help. Just click on the link for a FREE virtual coffee with me, and I will get you started.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#1006 The #1 MOST Important Skill Set You Can Learn


#1004 Your Schedule is not my Schedule