#1003 Gimme a Break!

I am developing a habit of getting up from my desk twice each day to go outside. I stroll around and breathe. The fresh air and movement reenergize me when sitting at the desk, and slogging ahead would only further sap my strength. 


 According to recent research published in the journal of “No Shit!” sitting there, spent, tired and frustrated but pressing on also dulls my creativity. I won’t insult your intelligence with the time-worn story of the lumberjack contest, but the lesson there is real. Convening with nature replenishes everything deep work consumes. Breaks increase your capacity to work and the volume of quality work you put out; they don’t diminish it.


In the words of my good friend, the brilliant Dr. Rob Gilbert: Action changes attitudes, motion alters emotion, and movement changes moods.


My new habit is already paying dividends. I come back to the desk invigorated and anxious to begin again, almost feeling like the start of a new day. When you marry intensely focused work with outdoor breaks, the child you beget is flow. 


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#1004 Your Schedule is not my Schedule


#1002 I have had a LOT of Success