#985 You Move Me

To make a difference, to move people, we need practical empathy to realize that the other person doesn't know what we know, doesn't believe what we believe, and might not want what we want. We must move from where we are and momentarily inhabit the place where they are.

This is a sticky wicket for a parent, a boss, salesperson, or a friend. I suffered a severe rapport break with someone very close to me because I failed at this miserably.

If you've been with me for any time, you know that I believe in improving your lot. I view life through the lens of a better tomorrow and believe with all my being that anyone and everyone can make a significant positive difference in their own lives with the proper effort.

Here's the problem. What is the definition of a better tomorrow? How do you define a significant positive difference?  

Embodying the beliefs I just articulated, I assumed that the person I was counseling wanted the same things in their future as I saw for them. I thought that they'd happily do the work and follow the path if I just pointed the way. 

I was, in a word, incredibly wrong, short-sighted and self-absorbed. OK, so that's not "a word," but still…

Leaving what you believe is suitable for someone and learning what they believe is good for them is essential even when you KNOW that you know better!

I'm in the business of moving people, whether through coaching, keynote talks, or in my selling life. I've found that there are no universal definitions of success and that it can never be assumed regardless of how obvious it may appear.

My ability to learn someone else's definition is directly proportional to my ability to move them if, indeed, moving is what's called for.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#986 I OBJECT!


#984 You Are Royalty