#974 Just Talking with my Friends

My greatest compliment as a business development person came a bit obliquely. I have been working from my home office for a few years now. My office is upstairs, away from the nerve center of our home (main entrance and kitchen). Still, I can hear and be heard by others from time to time. My wife is aces, generally leaving me to work in peace as she does her thing, but we are often within earshot of one another as we go through our days. That is how I heard the unintentional, best-ever, compliment of me as a sales professional. 

Deborah was on the phone with one of my daughters, who must have asked, “Is Dad busy right now?” 

Deb replied, “I don’t know. It just sounds like he’s talking to his friends all day.”


In my sales seminars and coaching practice, that is the absolute essence of it all.

Yes, we have to give information. Yes, we have to question for need. Yes, we have to offer price, and yes, of course, we have to close business, but it isn’t a struggle with the salesperson emerging victorious. That’s for triathletes and trial lawyers.

We are here to help, and, by the way, the more we help, the better our earnings are.

This is a natural dynamic for me. Deb’s right; I am talking to friends all day. My clients and I are friends. We know about each other’s lives. When I reach out, our conversations are about Jimmy’s new boat and Al’s golf game. We talk about Laurie’s recent charity event and the funny things her kids said. I ask about Karen’s son, who is living in Barcelona, and we catch up on the health of our aging parents. We talk about great restaurants and favorite vacation spots, and yes, we talk about business too. Our business comes in due course. It’s never forced, pressured, or what we begin with and it is often assumed. 

People do business with people they like and trust. 

Likeability and trust are two large pillars that support great friendships. Do you see the crossover?

Don’t be so eager to get the deal. Take the time to get to know people. I promise you will do better and enjoy it more.

I hope that you too are bringing in heaps of business while you “just talk to your friends all day.”

Own your sales gene


#975 Desperation Stinks!


#973 What I Wouldn't Give