#965 I NEED YOU to Reply Today

If you read the blog from last week, you know that I have logged in a ton of hours in my effort to avoid disaster.

I entered the workforce without any prominent or recognizable talent; looked around at the competition and wondered why it all seemed to come so easy to them.

You’ve heard of FOMO. Fear of missing out? I suffered from FOBLB, fear of being left behind. They (all the people I met at my first sales job) seemed more educated, sophisticated, and capable than me. They understood the business world. They talked about their moms and dads, siblings, and friends with fabulous careers in business. I came from a world of laborers, cops, and firefighters. The vacation places, restaurants, and brands they talked about were all unfamiliar. I felt low-rent and ignorant.

There are only two elements to achievement: learning and working.
— Frank Somma

I hadn’t lived what they’d lived or learned what they’d learned, but what I had was desire, and desire wins.

With some effort, I managed to keep pace and even excel a bit. I took classes, listened to a ton of audio programs, and read a lot of books.

I’ll bet there are similar elements in your story of achievement. So, let’s share.

What were the most influential books, audio programs, podcasts, and classes you absorbed to help you get to where you are today? What are you reading or listening to now?

I’ll get us started with a few of my top influencers:

· The NLP practitioners training course

· Peter Thompsons Secrets of the Great Communicators (audio program)

· The Seven Habits by Stephen Covey

· Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World

· All of Zig Zigler’s audio programs

Hit reply and let me know some of yours. I’d like to publish a list for all of us.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#966 Please and Thank You


#964 Being Innately Untalented was a True Blessing