#955 I am a Knucklehead!

Seriously, a complete Knucklehead.  When I was about four years old, I came home with one shoe on. Mom asked, “Frankie, where’s your shoe?” I looked down and back at her, perplexed. “I don’t know, Mom” I had no idea that the shoe was missing until she pointed it out.

Throughout grade school, I struggled.  My middle name was “I forgot.”  I got terrible grades on tests because I forgot to study.  I forgot to do homework, lost my books, lost my book bag, and showed up late.  I was the kid who arrived at school to find everyone lined up by the buses for a field trip.  I had the wrong clothes and no lunch.  But it didn’t matter because I had also forgotten to get the permission slip signed, so I spent the day in the library with Dr. O’Sullivan, who was great at reminding me what forgetful boy I was.

 In high school, I got fired from every part-time job I ever had for showing up late, forgetting I was on the schedule for a particular day, not remembering some of the tasks the boss assigned, and general malaise.

I’m happy to say that not much has changed. I still lack the natural proclivity to be “on top of things.”  There was a long period where I spent much of my day in self-flagellation over this. I’d mess up and then spend so much time in my head lamenting the mess up that I’d mess up some more. 

I say that I’m happy that not much has changed because that means anyone can get their s**t together.  I have spent my adult life and business career building systems to protect myself from myself, and they actually worked!

I’ve refined goal setting, planning, habit-creation, reminders, alarms, and touch points, along with designed and deliberate OCD moves to create the level of functionality I need to succeed in business and life.

This is what I love about my group coaching practice.

Everyone in the groups believes that everyone else has it more together than they do. Then they discover that we all have our frailties and foibles. That discovery helps take the vitriol away from that voice in their heads and allows them to accept, grow and move on.  Lighten up!  You got this…

Own Your Sales Gene…


#956 My Plaid Suit is at the Cleaners


#954 With Great Power Comes...