#997 The Five Deadly Sins

In Business, Not Everyone Knows What To Do, But we can certainly make a widely accepted list of what NOT to do.

I’ll get us started with my top five deadly sales sins and hope you’ll add to my list

  1. Don’t Overpromise

  2. Don’t avoid problems

  3. Don’t exploit needs

  4. Don’t employ insidious fine print

  5. Don’t Lie or cheat

Business development and continued Success is about work and attention. When we stop working or cease to pay attention, we fall behind. 

Then, to catch up quickly, some folks abandon the truth and employ some of these five sins. It doesn’t work. Oh, I’m sure some of you can cite examples of unethical people who have used some of the five deadly sins of selling and been successful. But are they? As Paterno said, “Success without honor is like eating an unseasoned dish. 

It will fill you up, but it won’t taste good.”

A little thinking and planning at the start of each year, month, week, and day will keep you on top of your game and help keep temptation at bay. I teach this methodology in all of my coaching groups. Give me a call if you’d like to see if one of my coaching plans could help you.

Own Your Sales Gene


#998 A Tale of Two Tales (And a Tail)


#996 Old School