#994 I've Crossed the Line

There is a fine line between persistence and pestering.  I know it's there because I've crossed it.  The problem, for people like me, is that it's kind of like crossing from North to South Dakota.  There is no thick black line painted on the ground (like the one on a map). The terrain looks remarkably similar. In fact, it is so similar that without that big "Welcome to South Dakota, Great Faces, Great Places" sign, you'd never know you'd crossed the line from one state to another.

But it is a very different state. 

Persistence is admirable.  People like seeing folks stick to it.  We have Churchill lauded for saying "Never, never, never, never, give up" and Truman with "Nothing takes the place of persistence" We are taught that "Quitters never win" and "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever." So, where is this line?  It's right there outlining your feelings of desperation.  Persistence is confidence.  Pestering is desperate. 

In business development (and many other pursuits), pestering is the offspring of laziness and lack.  It comes from not having options, from a myopic focus.  It is narcissistic in that it only sees what the pesterer wants, not the desire of the pestered.

To avoid this, one must raise their antenna and think beyond their desire.  What vibe are you getting?  Is what I am pursuing good for both of us, or am I being selfish?  Am I pushing because I can, because the person I am pressing isn't likely to push back? 

 Many people are not comfortable with saying no, so they avoid it.  Pushing them serves neither of you.  Instead, learn to read the signs (Welcome to South Dakota, Great Faces Great Places!) and know when you've crossed the line

Own Your Sales Gene…





#995 Lofty Aim


#993 A Butcher in a Vegan Café