#903 Millennials

I cannot count the number of times over a 30+ year career. I have heard senior managers and business owners say. “No one wants to work anymore. Kids today all feel entitled. They grew up too soft. Not like us. We always had to hustle.”

Today not only do we complain about Gen X or millennials, but we also make their difference the subject of magazine articles, podcasts, and Ted talks.  

Whether you are 36 or 96 as you read this, do you think for one moment your parent’s generation didn’t complain that you were too soft? That you lost some of the work ethic and value of their generation? That you lacked the appropriate respect, their generation had for authority?

Read the quote below and then give millennials and whomever a break.  

“The children today love luxury. They have bad manners and contempt for authority. They show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

That’s attributed to Socrates and he said that sometime around 395BC.

Yes, there are generational differences, and of course, the culture shifts and morphs over time, and if you want to continue to be successful and relevant, you must lean into those shifts.

When you own your sales gene, you don’t only notice the differences or tolerate the differences; you celebrate the differences.

Get inspired by the people coming up behind you. Reach down and offer assistance and open your head to the possibility that they, like you, may have something to provide the status quo.

Own your sales gene…


#904 Do You Have any of The 7 Habits?


#902 Show up and Throw up