#946 I Know it's Late...I know You're Weary

People are exhausted with reinventing, pivoting, adjusting, adapting, worrying, anticipating, changing, not-knowing, knowing, filtering, blocking, learning, doubting, figuring, sorting, wondering, and waiting, waiting, and waiting for things to make sense again.

I know you are so freaking over 2020, yet it lingers.  It just won’t go away. So, what are we to do?

The same thing we do with any lingering hangover symptoms.  We manage what we have while we move toward what we want.

I wish I could take my wife out to dinner.  I wish I could fly out to the west coast and visit with Steve and Cyndi; I wish I could grab breakfast with my friend Louis and stop by my favorite client in the Bronx for a Spanish coffee.   But I can’t…yet.

I’m tired.  I’m over it!... But it isn’t over. 

So now that I’ve had a chance to vent, I’m ready to make a plan because even though Q1 won’t be what I hoped for, it’s the only Q1 I’ve got, and I need to make the most of it.

Yes, sometimes we need to bitch.  Yes, sometimes we need to yell about how bad it sucks.  Yes, sometimes we need to whine for a few minutes and throw some S**t, but then we need to do SOMETHING.

Otherwise, we’ll be like the uninspired (BROKE) masses self-defined by a collection of ailments and grievances complaining, unceasingly, that the world will not make the changes they EXPECT it to, to make them happy.

So go ahead, kvetch, LOUDLY. And then get over it and make something happen.

You know you can.  You got this.

Own Your Sales Gene…


#947 Sei Il Mio Regalo


#945 I've Been Beat