#809 It's not what you said...It's how you said it

As an expert in sales and communication I do lots of workshops and keynote talks on the interweaving of these two subjects.  One of the things I teach is that most of the feeling behind your message comes from you body language and the tone and pace of your speech.  In “The Definitive Book on Body Language” Alan and Barbara Pease concluded, after hundreds of recorded sales and negotiation sessions, that between 60 and 80 percent of your message is delivered via body language!
You may not buy those numbers but in researching this, another factor that supports this notion is the  amount of physicality we use in our speech to describe things.  You may still doubt the incredible impact our bodies have on our communication and because you do…

I’ve got to get this off my chest.  I know I’m supposed to keep a stiff upper lip and keep my chin up but this is back breaking.  I just can’t shoulder the burden anymore.  I’m trying to keep my nose to the grindstone but I feel like you’re keeping me at arms length and while I know this isn’t putting my best foot forward I have to say you can kiss my butt.  This is a real eye opener isn’t it?  At this juncture you might want me to be more tight lipped but I can keep them coming, hand over fist, until your knees buckle.  OK I’ll stop.  Just don’t turn your back on the whole idea!

Remember it isn’t what you said.  It’s how you looked and sounded when you said it.
Own your sales gene…


#810 Calibration


#808 Fighting Battles on the Home Front